Test track (Title Artist)Me and Your Mama Childish GambinoIsn't She Lovely Livingston TaylorAin't no Sunshine Christy BaronUnderground Lindsey StirI am an owner of the qdc Anole VX also and the IER Z1R is the perfect complement If you want a more referencelike sound signature, check out the Anole VX If you're a basshead, the IER Z1R might satisfy you If you're a megabasshead, look at the Empire Ears Legend X Other options are the 64 Audio U12t and Hidition Viento (if you can access it) A good reference point is crinacle'sSony struck gold with whatever they did to achieve such coherency in a hybrid And in a similar vein, Sony's really done something special with the M9's timbre Coming off the VE8, it feels distinctly

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U12t vs ier-z1r
U12t vs ier-z1r-64 Audio U12t Review This is My Favorite IEM Watch later Share Copy link Info Shopping Tap to unmute If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device You're signed outHighly dependent on insert depth, a shallow fit results in harsh and sibilant treble similar to that of the EX1000 A point made worse by the above Suppressed lower mids, essentially the antithesis to the Solaris' suppressed upper mids Not strong for the bass to alto range of

Baku Ws Mp3
1416 · Meze Empyrean vs Kennerton Thror Comparison Review Alex SchifferApril 8, 21 338 pm 64 Audio U12t vs U18s Comparison Review Alex SchifferApril 3, 21 431 pm Kennerton Gjallarhorn GH50 vs GH50 JM Comparison Review Alex SchifferMarch 27, 21 424 pm Focal Clear vs Clear MG Comparison Review Alex SchifferMarch 16, 21 400 pm Focal Clear vs · Out of the box, the IERZ1R had a warm and smooth sound signature emphasized by an excellent bass extension and a fullbodied overall presentation There's a satisfying rumble in the low end characterized by a mildly loose bass as a result of a slightly slow decay While the bass sustain is a bit extended, complex passages maintain topnotch detail and bass texture on fast2304 · Interestingly, U12T consists of 12 drivers with having four dedicated for bass The opinions on this are divided, some claiming that is on par with Andros while the others claiming the U12T to offer more width and depth than both Solaris and Andromeda I had a good look at a few reviews of the IERZ1R and they are quite positive I think I will
2506 · Weebs and anime OST lovers will rejoice in the IERZ1R's tuning, and I've heard no better IEM for femalecentric genres As you might expect for a flagship IEM, technicalities are stellar, and the IERZ1R has toptier resolution It's not U12t clean, but comes close enough · Sony MDRZ1R review these Sonys are the finest closedback headphones we've heard Feed them with quality electronics and they'll shine – read the review at What HiFi?1002 · I have an OG (Bstock) Solaris and the IERZ1R I'd say the two IEMs are different enough that it's worth keeping both The Z1R feels like it's a little more Vshaped than the Solaris the bass has more impact and quality and the treble is a bit hotter Works really well for modern pop and EDM, but at the moment I prefer the Solaris for busy tracks with a lot of double bass (ie,
The U12t specializes in positional cues and center image distinction that is, soundstage depth And whereas the IERZ1R leads dense and unrelenting in its transient attack, the U12t strays in the opposite direction with a pleasant softness Indeed, some might find the U12t · Sony IERZ1R InEar Kopfhörer Test, Reviews und Erfahrungen von Nutzern der HIFIFORUM Community zum Sony IERZ1RKlaus August 18, 19 I currently have the chance to obtain a greatly discounted customized monitor from the genius manufacturers at 64 Audio in Vancouver, WA Even though the price tag is still hefty and very hurtful to my monthly paycheck, there is no chance I could possibly let this chance slide So I am comparing the U12t

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Eartune Fidelity Custom Fit Iem Earphone Ear Tips Adv
You can find my full, written review here https//precogvisioncom/?p=2267 Artist AttributionMusic By "After The Fall"Track Name "Pieces"• SoundCloud h2606 · As you might expect for a flagship IEM, technicalities are stellar, and the IERZ1R has toptier resolution It's not U12t clean, but comes close enough The soundstage is also impressive;0521 · The case against the IERZ1R Extremely huge and heavy shells, more than most ears can fully fit;

Sony Ier Z1r Review The Hybrid Behemoth Laptrinhx

So That S What Endgame Sounds Like Headphones
IERZ1R > VientoB = A12T > VE8 > IERM9 > Anole VX >>>>> Andromeda >>>>> Solaris In my opinion, the IERZ1R is the best sounding IEM for my music which is 95% female kpop and jpop with some Elton John sprinkled in Unfortunately, it doesn't fit my use case due to it not being a custom IEM As a result, I ended up settling on the VientoB andBut, with the bass turned on, the minds and highs got muddy and were otherwise were too recessed For me, the U12t is clearly more capable than the VX Better detail, better separation, more analytical, better overall lowIntangibly, the U12t does not have the IERZ1R's grand, cathedrallike imaging Staging is more compressed vertically;

Sony Ier Z1r Reviews Headphone Reviews And Discussion Head Fi Org

Impression Archives 1 Romantic Cafe 24 05
· Die IERZ1R sind wahre Juwelen und werden in Japan in kleinen Serien von ausgewiesenen Fachleuten von Hand gebaut Die Treiber, ein dynamischer 5mmSuperHochtöner, ein BalancedArmatureTreiber für die Mitten und ein dynamischer 12mmBass wurden für diesen Hörer von Grund auf neu entwickelt Der SuperHochtöner weist eine64A U12t CA Andro B2 KXXS ER2XR MH755 Someone was kind enough to lend me their Sony IERM9 for a couple days! · You either like the IERZ1R or you don't;

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Some Distinguished Guests For The Week Sony Ier Z1r 64 Audio Nio Sony Ier M9 Headphones
It stands that the U12t is the bettertuned, safer IEM in this reviewer's opinion Intangibly, though, the IERZ1R is something special While it's eclipsed by the U12t in terms of detail retrieval, the IERZ1R's sheer resolution is incredibly good, especially given that its transient attack seems skewed to the slower side of things And if the U12t's calling card is its impressive dynamic range, the IERZ1R's · (Last Updated On April 23, 19) InEar Monitors (IEMs), are earphones intended to fit into the ear canal for personal music listening Although they are easy to use, it can be tricky to achieve a comfortable fit and proper noise isolation · I've already tried the IERZ1R multiple times before I pulled the trigger Most would already know what I feel about it, but here's a short refresher The signature of the IERZ1R is mildly Vshaped with a strong focus in the subbass rather than midbass Rumble comes through wellarticulated while percussive beats are clean and welldefined with almost zero smearing despite

64 Audio U12t Universal Iem Review And Comparison

64 Audio Flagship Battle U12t Vs U18t Klaus Eulenbach
For some context, the IERZ1R is one of my favorite IEMs;2709 · Anole VX – IERZ1R – U12t – VE8 le grand match des S de Crinacle 27 septembre sausalito feedback, Forum, intra Présentation 64 Audio U12t – Écouteurs universels à 12 Armatures Équilibrées (BA) > 4 basses, 6 médiums, 1 hautmédium et 1 aigu Tia – Filtre passif 4 voies – Réponse en fréquence 10Hz – kHz – Sensibilité (100Hz) – 108 dB/mW – ImpédanceDer IERZ1R aus der SignatureFamilie der Marke Sony ist ein silberfarbener OhrbügelKopfhörer Der Stöpselhörer mit dynamischem BalancedArmatureSchallwandler und geschlossener Konstruktionsweise kann seit 18 über idealo bestellt werden Neben dem IERZ1R ist ein Audiokabel im Leistungsumfang vorhanden Er sitzt dank Ohrbügel mit zuverlässigem Halt Die

Sony Ier Z1r Page 5 Headphone Reviews And Discussion Head Fi Org

Sony Ier Z1r Review Headfonics Audio Reviews
The bass response is leagues ahead of the U12t, and it more than holds its own in terms of technicalities To this effect, purely on the basis of sound, I find myself going back and forth between the two with the IERZ1R having the edge overall because of my music genre preferences But being literally violated by the IERZ1R's gargantuan shell every timesorry, that ain't it chiefHowever, I'll refrain from absurd superlatives It's only large relative to other IEMsSony IERZ1R vs 64 Audio U12T Review Battle of Giants Max Settings Youtube Alle anzeigen 12 DRIVERS!!!

64 Audio U12t Review The Consummate All Rounder

Sony Ier Z1r Impressions And Measurements In Ear Fidelity
If you do, you'd better hope that your ears are deemed worthy cuz it's a chonker 64 Audio Nio While the Nio doesn't quite graph like the U12t on paper, intangibly they share a lot of the same traits from 64 Audio's signature imaging to the soft, easyontheears transient attack The main allure of the Nio, though, is its DD subwoofer ItThe U12t actually has a bit more bass, but because of the Odin's dynamic driver punch and slam, the sense of impact is more enjoyable on the Odin I'm currently 50/50 on which one I prefer 64 Audio tia Fourte $3599 While the Fourte has exceptional technical performance, I do find the Odin to have a more agreeable tonal balance The Fourte to me sounds like you're listening in a2709 · Anole VX – IERZ1R – U12t – VE8 le grand match des S de Crinacle 27 septembre sausalito feedback, Forum, intra Les Écoutes Conditions de tests Les tests ont été faits sur un AK SP 1000 et avec les câbles stocks Les Anole VX avec switchs en position off, U12t avec le module apex M15 Les intras sont écoutés au minimum 100 h pour les Z1R et bien plus pour les

64 Audio Nio Review Hybrid Dark Horse

Blog Empire Ears Valkyrie Wraith Review Attack Of The E Stats
· Compared to the U12t, I think the Z1R is a bit skewed towards upper mids vs lower mids, but I don't have a huge preference there either way (IMO that tuning is fairly common for Japanese/East Asian IEMs, and in this case, it's not really exaggerated like in the case of the Hyla TE5T as to make it a specialist IEM)2709 · Anole VX – IERZ1R – U12t – VE8 le grand match des S de Crinacle 27 septembre sausalito feedback, Forum, intra Synthèse Impressions Générales Les U12t sont de bons "All rounder" ou les performances en termes d'imagerie (le carré magique) et de dynamique sont excellentes Je trouve néanmoins que les timbres manquent un peu de naturel et que l'on a3105 · One example the only bass setting that I liked on the VX was with it switched on (switched off, I thought the U12t was much more adept);

64 Audio U12t Local Set Iem Audio On Carousell

Naim Audio Forum Archive
(Sorry about the audio in this one, made a mistake and Audacity recorded through my laptop mic and not through my Mic Interface, so camera audio was the bestCompared to other IEMs, U12T has an "oval soundstage", where the vocal is positioned some distance in front of you, while the instruments still closely sit at the two sides of the listener Andromeda slightly warm and relaxed signature that is a general improvement over the OG1407 · Sony's IERM7 (left) vs IERM9 (right) Sony released a lot of remarkable models, IERM9 and the flagship IERZ1R I have longstanding experience with Sony – my first pair of headphones and IEMs before I embarked on an audiophile journey are from Sony I still remember how impressed I was when I first listened to them After a few years into this hobby, I am back to

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26 · Sony IERZ1R (2DD1BA) Review Flagship Purgatory By Precogvision June 26, July 2, iem, review, sony, Sony IERz1r 2 Sony's flagship IEM has largerthanlife sound quality, but is hampered by some very unfortunate design choices Read on to find out why Read more "Sony IERZ1R (2DD1BA) Review Flagship Purgatory" Flashlights, Review, UncategorizedIERZ1R Signature Series InEar Kopfhörer Schöpfen Sie das Potenzial von HighRes Audio voll aus mit dem neuen HD HybridTreibersystem und der verfeinerten Phasenstruktur · Weebs and anime OST lovers will also rejoice in the IERZ1R's tuning, and I've heard no better IEM for femalecentric genres As you might expect for a flagship IEM, technicalities are stellar, and the IERZ1R has toptier resolution It's not U12t clean, but comes close enough

64 Audio Flagship Battle U12t Vs U18t Klaus Eulenbach

64 Audio U12t Thomann Uk
· Interesting because the Andro S had some of the nicest mids but the U12t's upper mids just seemed awfully hazy to me and the lower mids were oddly lean, whereas the Z1R's mids were presented further away but never "hazy" per se U12t had better bass than the Andro S though, that's not hard to seeTest track (Title Artist)Me and Your Mama Childish GambinoIsn't She Lovely Livingston TaylorAin't no Sunshine Christy BaronUnderground Lindsey StirGraph database updates Setup iPhone dongle (rated at 01ohm output impedance) > TRRS splitter > high efficiency capsule microphone > IEC compliant inner ear simulator, "AudioTools" app on iOS With this portable measuring rig, I was able to run around the country to take measurements off demo units Will be updating this post and the imgur album as I get more

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64 Audio U12t Review The Consummate All Rounder
· 64 Audio Flagship Battle U12t vs U18t 64 Audio;64 Audio U12t Audiophiler InEar Monitor mit 12 Treibern Die Kombination von tia Technologie SingleBore Design ("eine Öffnung") mit 4 BalancedArmature Tieftönern, 6 BA Mitteltönern, einem BA Mittelhochtöner und dem offenen tia HochtonBA0321 · Sony IERZ1R 1700 Mild Vshape Extended yet natural treble, realistic subbass focus and spacious imaging capabilities S S 1BA 2DD Personal unit3 6 3 3 1700 S ★ Vision Ears VE8 2700 Warm neutral Extremely coherent signature with a pleasing tuning and high technicalities S S 8BA E1 demo unit 2 6 3 3 2700 S ★ 64 Audio A/U12t 00 Neutral with

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64 Audio U12t Review MajorHiFi Youtube Alle anzeigen 64 Audio U12t Review This is My Favorite IEM Precogvision Youtube Alle anzeigen 64 Audio U12t (12/ BA) Review Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews Youtube Alle anzeigen 64 Audio U12t (intro) Bad Guy Good AudioThe U12t has a Ushaped sound signature with heavily boosted subbass, a flattuned midrange and a moderate pinna compensation in the uppermidrange and treble, and a rather soft and smooth treble range, at least to my ears and using the M15 gray module Using the M silver module increases bass and reduces treble slightly Bass is actually presented very close to how ISony IERZ1R Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5 Sample 6 Sample 7 Sample 1 Sample 1 (Filter removed)

64 Audio U12t Universal Iem Review And Comparison

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